“Who Even is This Guy?”

Hi, I’m Taylor.

I’m a follower of Jesus, a father, a husband, and a teacher. I could list more things, but I think those are the big ones you should know before we go further.

I’ve chosen to write because I am deeply concerned for American Christians and the effect we are having on those outside the Church. I worry we’ve lost our focus. We are offering our attention to what it means to be American, and not on what it means to follow our Lord. As a result, we are driving people away from God, and failing to live out Jesus’ great commission. We are making ourselves less and less useful to God’s Kingdom.

I desperately want to help change that. I desperately want to see God’s people in the United States return to full, powerful worship of our Lord.

To do that, I think we need to start by clarifying how God and our nation are very, very different.

That’s what you’ll find in these posts: an explanation of all the ways my years of following Jesus, studying Scripture, and teaching American history have shown me that the values of the United States and the Kingdom of God do not align. Further, you’ll find me making a persistent case for why Americans would do much better to follow the ways of our Lord than of our nation.

Last, I want to make it plain that my goal is simply to proclaim Jesus, and invite others to do the same. My goal is not to cause controversy, though I imagine some will consider what I say controversial. All I can ask is that you consider how what we discuss here might draw you closer to the Lord and how it might help God’s people in the United States do more to reach those around us with the Gospel.